Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kanye West - Who Will Survive in America

     Although Kanye West is obviously not identified as an anarchist, his song Who Will Survive in America, points out issues in the government and society that make it hard to survive as a normal person.

     Lyrics in the rap talk about issues in America, such as a lack of help for troubled individuals, misinterpretation of freedom, and obsession with material goods. West opens the song with "Us living as
we do upside down. And the new word to have is revolution." This suggests a call for revolution to resolve these issues.

"All I want is a good home and a wife
and a children and some food to feed them every night." In this verse, West comments that all you should need for a good life is a family and food on the table. In a way, this speaks out against American greed and obsession with materialism that feeds the presence of capitalism that cuts out the middle and low class.

West ends this song by suggesting living in China would be a better life, where citizens follow a much less capitalism-oriented society. The last verse ends with "who will survive in America" repeated four times.

These lyrics are not directly anti-government in the typical Anarchist sense, the lyrics coincide with anti-capitalist views that are a common belief of modern anarchists.

-Julianne Fleck

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