Monday, December 12, 2011

AAA - Sweet Televised Destruction

In the AAA song “Sweet Televised Destruction,” they discuss the brainwashing done by the media of today. They talk about how people are always connected to technology and follow the ideas and beliefs presented to them without thinking for themselves. This could lead to the destruction of the ideals help by anarchists, including the liberty of individuals to form their own opinions and educate themselves.

“Sit back and watch the world crumble.
Humanity has stumbled.
No commercial interruptions.
Sweet televised destruction.

Wave your flag and chant the slogans.
Watch digitized explosions.
No Commercial interruptions.
Sweet Televised destruction.”

They also comment on a major idea in anarchist thinking, solidarity. They say that separating ourselves into different groups of people creates war. Once people join together without borders and hatred towards one another because of where they live or what they believe in, we can have peace.

“It's gonna swallow you and me this time.
We've gone too far the world is in decline.
One nation one people.
No borders no evil.
Burn the shrines that we've designed.
Stand as one.
Eleni Mitoulis

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