Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rise Against - Worth Dying For

Rise Against - Worth Dying For

Set me off like dynamite strapped tight around my waist
We are the ones in competition but claim this ain't no race

(Let's go!)

Take a breath and explode like bullets tearing through the wind
Cut me up with a razor blade that tries to separate the skin

Now in the
White flames of burning flags we
found a world worth dying for, yeah
We've been battered so hard that we don't

-Ian Ihde
feel anymore

Take me
From this world
Save me
What if we
All die young?
So take me
From this world
Save me
What if we
All die young?

Send me off on the morning breeze so far away from here
Feel me rise in the strength I've found inside the warm embracing air
I'm moving slow
Like a glacier melting watch me dissipate
I searched for love in an empty world but all I found was hate

Now in the
White flames of burning flags we
found a world worth dying for, yeah
We've been battered so hard that we don't
feel anymore

Take me
From this world
Save me
What if we
All die young?
So take me
From this world
Save me
What if we
All die young?

Don't ask me why
'Cuz I don't know
Don't ask me how
I'm gonna solve this on my own
Don't ask me why
'Cuz I don't know
These things I've never faced
Scratch out, but won't erase

In the wreckage of a job well done
I saw a place I'd never seen before, yeah
And that moment I refused to close my eyes anymore

So take me
From this world
Save me
What if we
All die young?
So take me
From this world
Save me
What if we
All die young?

So take me [2x]

This song talks of reclaiming a world which has been tainted by people and governments.  It says that this world is a "World worth dying for" and contains numerous revolutionary images, including "white flames of burning flags," and "set me off like dynamite strapped tight around my waist."  This is just another Rise Against song that encourages people to take a stand in the world.

-Ian Ihde

Rise Against - Bricks

Rise Against - Bricks
When faith alone is not enough,
To keep our heads barely above,
We look for reason and come up empty-handed.
And when our children fight our wars,
While we sit back just keeping score,
We're teaching murder not understanding now.

We're setting the fires to light the way,
We're burning it all to begin again,
With hope in our hearts and bricks in our hands,
We sing for change

The lives our buried sons have laid,
Won't cancel debts we've yet to pay,
In death, we justify anything now,
As long as we blindly obey and do exactly what they say,
We'll have no one to blame, but ourselves now.

We're setting the fires to light the way,
We're burning it all to begin again,
With hope in our hearts and bricks in our hands,
We sing for change.

We run on the fumes of injustice,
We'll never die with the fuel that you give us,
Keep it coming 'cause I'm prepared to burn,
Keep running, find me at every turn.

Your life around,
(into something true, into something true)
So turn your life around,
(into something true, something true)

We're setting the fires to light the way,
We're burning it all to begin again,
With hope in our hearts and bricks in our hands,
We sing for change.

The lyrics of this song are very revolutionary in nature. With the repeated words "We sing for change" throughout, it's hard not to think of it as calling for a revolution. The words "We're setting the fires to light the way, We're burning it all to begin again, with hope in our hearts and bricks in our hands," it is clear that the message that Rise Against is trying to get across is nothing short of anarchist.

-Ian Ihde

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ghost Mice

Ghost Mice is a folk-punk band that considers themselves anarchists.  The band says, "We sing a mix of personal and political lyrics, we are anarchist, we are dedicated to the DIY ethic and the struggle to make the world a better place."  Unlike many other anarchist bands, Ghost Mice sings optimistically, looking to teach its listeners important lessons about life, and is also in a lighter genre.  They also sing about their visions for stable anarchist societies, but do not bash the government as other anarchist bands typically do.  Ghost Mice says, "We play music and travel for fun and to meet new people. Music is our lives. We love travel. We are nice and a little shy."  And from that quote, we can see another side of anarchism in music.


Jonny 5 + Yak (Predecessor to the band "Flobots") - Onomatopoeia

Jonny 5 + Yak (Predecessor to the band "Flobots") - Onomatopoeia

East Timorese, Guatemala and Mumia. The beast seems to reach where they've got a walletful of wealth, so COINTELPRO police goin' to hell "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" is the onomatopoeia.

Well, anyway, somehow hip hop's no fun now. It's all been done now. So I stall my puns, wow.
But then I recall my one vow is to bust this bubble of injustice, subtly. What'll we muddle up if we bum rush this plush system? UmÉgood if we crush this one. But maybe puddle's of blood'll be the rebuttle. I stood in the huddle, but would I risk lung trouble? Could I lift guns that'll take life? 'Cause there isn't a stunt double or a fake knife. So should I just run cuddle up with a great wife and make life-erotically perpetuating paradise on the late night, melodically. U.S. invading places like we got a key to every door. The people never see the war when we plan to slaughter smaller villages, killing woman to man to daughter. All of us'd really feel ill if we knew who we hand a lot of dollars to, so my soliloquy is bananas-- like Guatamala. Hands Off Asaata! While ya'll feast in the belly of the hairy beast, somebody better free Mumia, at the very least, release Leonard Peltier. Try to keep the peace by yourself. Where can you police the police? East Timorese health care fees increased. I wonder how it felt there when bombs scorched the nation with Tomohawk contracts from Textron (checks for the next welfare mom corporation).

East Timorese, Guatemala and Mumia. The beast seems to reach where they've got a walletful of wealth, so COINTELPRO police goin' to hell "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" is the onomatopoeia.

D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Expensive. Drug Availability Reflects Extensive Dependence. And Real Educated Descendants are Able to Respect Even Deadbeat's Amendments. Racist Enforcement Deployed Aggressively. RED-blooded Americans React Excessively, Directly Attacking Recreation, Eventually Destroying A Relatively Elementary Drive to Alter Reality, Essentially Dimension Advancement; Radical Enhancement. Dangers Are Real--Especially Drinking Alcohol, Right? Except it's Distinctly All Right: Elite-Declared Appropriate; Rationalized, Enjoyable. Dope and Ritalin Employable Dose After Red-Eyed Dose. Aboriginal Religions Each Denote A Reincarnation, Exploration, Done Again Re-experience Elation. Drug Abuser Reincarceration Efforts Don't Allow for Rehabilitation. Effect: Does Anybody Really Expect Dealers Are Responsible Exclusively? Deep-seated Apathy Reflects Existing Dissatisfaction: Another Reclusive. D. A. Readily Eradicates. Dramatic Ad's Ridiculously Exaggerate. Drugs Aren't Restricted Evenly. End the War on Drugs immediately

East Timorese, Guatemala and Mumia. The beast seems to reach where they've got a walletful of wealth, so COINTELPRO police goin' to hell "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" is the onomatopoeia.

"No Justice, No Peace" is one tough phrase in an unjust world, living unjust days. Must gray guns delay stuff from bloomin'? What's the way you can trust to stay human? Cracks in the street, a crease in the sky and it might spell doom but at least I try to keep gloom from whom ever 'til the whole things boomin', zoomin' on in on my blue piece of pie. I have it and eat it too. I need it to inspire me to watch, stay seated through the whole fractal, stay on track 'til the end, treat moments like eternity, learnin' that time bends. Find tens of tendencies in friends and plenty of these blend with trends I see in many of my enemies. "By any means necessary" that's convincing. If you want a house you break the wood fence but believin' in God doesn't make good sense so I listen to the words of a madman,

"--If it's wrong why don't you arrest us?
--Why don't you get out in front of the camera and go on?
--It's not a matter of being in front of the county, it's a matter of facing your Sheriff, and facing your Judge. We're willing to be beaten for democracy!!"

When he turned the other cheek never seen such fiest. Can't wait for peace, he's a fool for Christ, lookin back through the last two millenniums of similar minds, and life's not fair but they're kind. Waiting for justice is just too gradual. My natural sound's got to be more radical:10,000 pacifists-- top rank is a lunatic starin' down a tank.

East Timorese, Guatemala and Mumia. The beast seems to reach where they've got a walletful of wealth, so COINTELPRO police goin' to hell "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" is the onomatopoeia.

A quick read-through of the lyrics of this song shows an obvious revolutionary attitude.  It is very liberal in nature and very strongly pro-rights of the individual.  It talks about problems, issues, and revolutions going on around the world and many things that the writer (Jaimie Laurie) dislikes about how the United States government functions.  While revolutionary, this song specifically supports a peaceful resolution to the conflicts and problems it addresses.  Going through other lyrics written by Jamie and the rest of the Flobots, shows a very strong will to make a change in society.

-Ian Ihde

Refused Party Program

Refused- Refused Party Program


In the wake of our existence, in our parades and in our dances;
touch, see and behold the wisdom of the party program.
Essential in our lifetime and irresistible in our touch,
the great spirits proclaim that
capitalism is indeed organized crime and we are all the victims.
This next one is called Refused Party Program.

(Analysis:  Expressing frustration with the current economy/system)

This is the pulse, this is the sound
This is the beat of a new generation

(Analysis: Wanting to make change for "a new generation")

This is the movement, this is the rhythm
This is the noise of revolution
Yeah! Yeah! Arrrrh!

(Analysis:  Showing support for a revolutionary movement)

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Refused party program
Refused party program
Refused party program
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Although not necessarily the textbook example of "Anarchist" this song definitely voices strong opinions about Capitalism and wanting a revolution.  The "Refused Party Program" refers to a fictitious, or possibly metaphorical, political party that promotes radical change.

-Ian Ihde

Peregrine - Reduced to Ashes

Lyrics for Peregrine's "Reduced to Ashes":

Rendition of WSEE (CBS affiliate) in Erie, PA newscast on Sept. 9th while Kevin being subpoenaed by the FBI to appear before the Grand Jury was front page news:....
So what does E.L.F. want? Why are they committing these criminal acts? We spoke to a local terrorism expert [Dr. Jeffrey Bloodworth] at Gannon University.....
.. ..
“They're against modernity, they're against the 20th century if you read their literature they intend, Kevin Tucker if you read what he says, wants society to devolve back into small hunter gathering clans. They call themselves anarchists and they believe modern society is oppressive.” ....
.. ..
Under the night, beyond their eyes, the ghosts of wildness smile upon us now. Words we can not say now turned to action. And in the morning, they’ll see this war has two sides. ....
For all that exist, for all that has been cleared away. Exposed machinery tonight will be consumed in flames. These actions negate your legality. The hand of Progress has been stayed. ....
Shackles, interrogation, their prisons, their profits; their jails detain, but they can’t kill this rage. ....
For all the rivers, for all the lives lost, for all the cages, for all the oil spilt; this contagious disease, all the needless blood spilt. For all the mines, for the industry, for all the toxins, for this misery; for all their laws, for our ancestors, for all of those maligned by history.....
Reduced to ashes. Reduced to ashes, their world, this throne to Progress. Reduced to ashes, their dreams of conquest complete. ....
And there’s no conceit to think that this war has been won. For every fire set, for every animal unleashed; these acts remind us, of our own need to be free. Our time will come and this fight is ours. ....
Reduced to ashes our time will come. Reduced to ashes their progress lies undone.....

This song appeals to a more radical and violent form of anarchy.  It talks of negating legality, unleashing animals, setting fires, and reducing things to ashes.  It speaks out against "Progress", pollution, and needless killing in the form of war.  In the quote that mentions Kevin Tucker, an anarcho-primitivist writer and speaker, we find:  "They call themselves anarchists and they believe modern society is oppressive."  From the lyrics that follow we can assert that Kevin Tucker and anarchism is being defended by the band.  They clearly believe modern society is oppressive and they speak of fighting against it.  They also say, "Words we can not say now turned to action."  It's hard to tell whether the band actually advocates such radical anarchism or if it's just appealing to it.  After all, the band is not out starting fires and wrecking havoc; they are merely writing songs and playing music.  Maybe the band looks up to people who literally fight for the cause but they are not willing to physically defend it themselves.  Or maybe it's just a more harsh and stimulating way to approach their anarchist music than merely pointing out the government's flaws as so many other artists do.  It could be meant to attract more attention.


Peregrine - You've Been Warned

Peregrine is a heavy metal band with anarchist roots.  The song "You've Been Warned" is a good example of this.  The lyrics are as follows:

Fuck what they taught us, fuck what they say. The other shoe drops spewing the vomit of industry. They can’t save 6 billion victims of their civilized delusions. The pundits, the preachers deny what we say, but the consequence of their logic is suffocating on its last breath. Economic devastation, the collapse of their illusion. They scream for religion, they scream for false hope, anything to look to as the inevitable comes crashing. They built a fortune from their lies. Their palaces worshipped as shrines. Wavering decadance before our eyes, just to keep us all in line. We’re simply pawns in their game. Serving the architects of our lives. Accepting everything will be fine, as domestication keeps us blind. The feeling starts to subside. Elated to recognize. That the death of society, won’t be the end for us all. They’ve taken so much away, yearning to be whole again. The wildness beckoning, setting the soul free. Seeing to the chance to be free, the body follows. The cage eroding, being the final shove. Under the veil of Progress, so much as been stolen away. Stuck with the hollow feeling of what they’ve taken from me. Under the veil of Progress, our earth withers away, they’ve cut and mined all that’s left of me. The lethargic state of our empathy, covers the void of our shattered communities. Beyond their world of lies, is our primal anarchy, accepting that is what sets me free. The course has been set. The path of Progress dead ends. It’s been played out before, the light begins to fade. Unfolding before me, the fabric of domesticity. It’s already begun. The primal is reborn. Like new growth breaking soil. Life stemming from decay. As we shed our fears, wildness shows the way. As it all comes crashing around us now, just know that you’ve been warned.

This song illustrates that government has "taken so much away" from the people.  It talks of "economic devastation" and "palaces", which assures us that the pronoun "they" refers to the government.  The key line in this song is "Beyond their world of lies, is our primal anarchy, accepting that is what sets me free."  This song argues that anarchy is primal and natural and true, as it warns of government's imminent doom.